Sunday, 20 December 2009

A few good memories

Saturday, 21 November 2009


How exciting!!! Looking through my folders on my laptop and found some ooooooooold photos

Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Cheap As Chipolatas

More from my pound shop disposables grainy as fuck but i still quite like them (scuse the dodgy scanning of the top one)

Actually want to get some work done in reading week

Sunday, 8 November 2009


I have been personally asked by Nic Powley team manager of the vans skate team to get people voting for Vans to win "The Big Push 2009"
Six big name skate teams will being going head to head to win some big money and the cover of the christmas issue of Sidewalk magazine. Voting starts today so go go go

Here's the website so you can get more info and look at each teams blogs (even though Vans is the only one we care about)

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Supermarket sweep

Pound shop disposable
this shot isn't to be taken seriously but i still liked it

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

I wish i moved that bag its really annoying me!!!!

Sunday, 1 November 2009

Natasha in Colour

My scanner is shit so it always makes these funny dots come up on my pictures. These are for my unit 3 looking at innocence and vulnerability.
I realise that these are all quite similar but i was showing different use in film so hey ho

Natasha in Black and White

Theres two really similar shots in this lot but i couldn't decide which i liked more so i just put both.

Thursday, 22 October 2009

Golden Stars

My scanner is shitee so these look really grainy, got a colour and black and white film from this shoot to develop. Got this leotard from Beyond Retro i love it its blue with golden stars and a little flap that makes it look like a dress its so cute,
This is for my A2 project and im looking at innocence and vulnerability hence the not many clothes and weird poses

Thursday, 15 October 2009

More from Garden shoot

Took these on a new camera which is a compact slr (its tiny) which means you have to do the focus by meters rather than using a focus ring so i was abit scared these wouldnt come out but they looked better than i thought, my colour film buggered up because my slr is reallllllllllllly annoying
Top image: Film went funny at top of the image and tried to burn it in but it jogged will try do this again next lesson