Friday, 30 August 2013


Georgia being the definition 

Chicas Bonita is launching on MONDAY 2ND SEPTEMBER

"I got the moves like jagger"

What Maddie was singing when she was dancing at the bus stop

Sunday, 25 August 2013


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I did the make up for Matt Ring's shoot yesterday, where the model was the lovely Tess Dimos
It was my first MUA job where I wasn't shooting the model myself so was pretty nervous but was really pleased with the results and it was a fun shoot too.
I took some photos on film so will upload them when they are developed.

Thursday, 22 August 2013


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Sunday, 18 August 2013

Chicas Bonita

Me and my brother Dario, are starting a website together all about Girls in trainers. We will be working together creatively (i'll be doing shoots and Dario will be doing artwork) to make this a site for both girls and boys to enjoy. We are currently putting the site together, and it will hopefully up and ready to show off in the next week. But in the mean time follow us on Twitter and Instagram for updates and behind the scenes photos.
Here is a taster of the sort of thing to expect. I shot Vanessa on  Friday and she was a delight to work with. We want to shoot a different girl every 2 weeks and will be posting news about trainers and clothes in between.
CHICAS BONITA means beautiful girls in spanish and thats the ethos of the site.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013



Lucy knows good music

Crazy dawg


Bloody love these two

Favourite Beach hut in Brighton

Expired film makes it look like a 70's seaside


Sorry for taking photos bbz